
Laptop Par Jio Sim Thi Chalse Fast Interner Use This TRICK

 Laptop Par Jio Sim Thi ChalseFast Interner Use This TRICK

Gadget Desk: Nowadays, Reliance Jio’s network is leading in the speed of speed. According to Tri Data, the downloading speed at Geo’s network was 18.331Mbps in August, the Vodafone 9.325Mbps for the second, and Airtel 9.266Mbps on the third place in the downing speed. Therefore, the speed of other companies is almost half as compared to Geo.
In this case, if you want, you can browse the Geo’s fast network on your laptop. With Geo SIM, you can run high-speed internet on a laptop. We are showing here the easiest 3 tricks, so that Geo Smartphone users can run Fast Internet on laptops.

Jio Sim’s Fast on Laptop Will Run Internet, See In The Next Slides …

Gadget desk: Facebook is also working on the face-to-face features of Facebook for creating a more secure user account. Although no information about when this feature will come up, but the coming of this will greatly increase the security of the Facebook account photo. Mark Zuckerberg’s company has already launched a feature to keep Facebook profile picture (DP) secure for security.
A new device is being prepared for video chat …
According to the news agency, sources associated with Facebook said that the company is currently working on the Feature Recognition Feature. In this, the user can easily verify his account. With the account recovery process will be easy. This will be an option feature, which will work in the device, in which the user is already logged in.
– Facebook is working on a video chat device that will recognize the face of the user. However, the company feels that the usage of the device is in danger of being spied on the social network. This project has been named ‘Allaha’, it is likely to come till May 2018.
This will be unlocked if the account is locked …
– If a user’s account is locked, by this feature he will be able to send a single code to his “trusted friends”, then he will be able to easily unlock the account.

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This feature has come to iPhone X
– Apple has just released a special Recognition feature in the recently launched iPhone X. The Face ID is also called feature. In this real time, Ricognose 50 face faces. Minimum 25 pieces are unlocked after reading.
– This feature is so secure that the phone can not be unlocked by the phone of a brother or sister. This feature of iPhone X works very easily even if it’s dark. 15 thousand engineers took 6 years to prepare this.
Samsung has also used the feature recording feature on its smartphone before this.
See photos in the next slides ..

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