
participate in essay competition

Applications are invited for the Queens Commonwealth Assessment Competition 2020. This year’s competition aims to promote youth movement in the Commonwealth and increase their participation in the current climate crisis. The competition is organized into two categories – Junior and Senior. Contestants must write an essay in English on a given topic. In any article you can write this article at this time, you will be able to know more about how long you can submit an essay and the age limit etc.

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Title and Age Limit in Senior Phase
Age Limit: 14 to 18 years (Birthday should be between July 1, 2002, June 30, 2006)
Topics are like–
* Suppose you are the President of one of the 31 Commonwealth countries and you have been invited to give a talk on climate change. What can you say about this event?
* How will climate change affect you and your family?
* Great Thunberg said, ‘We will not stop fighting for this planet.’ How can young people make a difference?
* Destruction of the oceans is a matter of concern to everyone

Age Limit and Subject Category Articles
To participate in the junior category, a person must be under 14 years old which means he or she was born on July 1, or after 2006.
* Suppose you were Earth, what would you say to a person?
* Blue Commonwealth: The time to save the oceans is not over. Is this true or false?
* In 2019, students from more than 100 countries dropped out of school to protest climate change. How can young people reach out to people and do something different?
* my planet, my abode

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Submit your essay as follows
* The essay will be submitted June 30, 2020.
* Click on this link to submit an essay
* First you must register. You can then sign in and send it.
* Any student from the Commonwealth can apply for the competition.

For more details click on this link

* All participants will receive a certificate to participate in the essay competition.
* One winner and one athlete who has run in the major and minor categories will have the opportunity to visit London for a week

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